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10/10,10/17 & 10/24 Weave- Handspun Cuff
70 US dollars
Service Description
In this three part class we will create a woven wool cuff using our own hand spun wool. You will get a chance to experiment with lots of fiber art techniques... Spinning, weaving AND needlefelting!!! And you don't need any experience!! Part 1: October 10 In our first class we will learn to spin wool with a drop spindle. Part 2: October 17 In the second class we will begin to weave our hand spun yarn using a simple cardboard loom Part 3: October 24 In our final class we will finish our weaving and turn it into a beautifully embellished cuff bracelet. $60 Includes all materials!
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
343 W. Lemon St, Lancaster, PA 17603, USA
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